Are you a domestic employee? Call (213) 986-7604 to get help scheduling an appoinment!

Are you a domestic employer?

Domestic workers, including nannies, house cleaners, and home attendants, are essential workers, providing critical care for families, older adults and people with disabilities. In California, domestic workers have been left unprotected by our policies, endangering domestic workers--mostly immigrants and women of color--since the onset of the pandemic. 

Get Out The Shot LA has partnered with Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network to support the effort to get vaccines to Domestic Childcare Providers (Nannies), Homecare Workers and House Cleaners and address this imminent danger. Below are steps to support our efforts.

Domestic Employees are now eligible for vaccinations in Los Angeles County (and have been in neighboring Long Beach for many weeks).

1: Self-Attestation Letter for Vaccine Appointment

Your employee can is now eligible to book an appointment. At their appointment, they will need to bring a signed copy of the self-attestation letter. If they are unable to print it, they can hand-write it. If they need help booking an appointment, they can call: (213) 986-7604

2: Formalize a Written Agreement

Your employee can take the linked Self-Attestation letter to their appointment. However, we also think this could be a great opportunity to formalize a written agreement - it’s a win-win for you and your employee.

3: Talk to Your Employee

If you have questions about how to discuss vaccine hesitancy or any other questions with your employee, we’ve put together an FAQ resource.

4: Join Hand in Hand’s Efforts to Further Support Domestic Workers

This year, one of Hand in Hand’s priority is to pass legislation, called SB 321, to formally protect Domestic Workers--like the worker you employ--under California’s Occupational Safety and Health Act (Cal/OSHA). As you know, there has been no official guidance for employers of domestic workers on what safety measures to take to protect their employees or themselves from COVID--or to get the individual you employ vaccinated. Bringing domestic workers, the only group of workers currently excluded from Cal/OSHA, under its protection, would better protect the health and safety of you, your family, and the workers you employ.  For more information, you can sign up for Hand in Hand’s mailing list here.